The New Fed Chairman
"Stocks rose as Yellen underscored the Fed’s commitment to spur the economy and put 10.5 million unemployed Americans back to work. Share prices fell on March 19, when she said in a press conference that the Fed might start raising the benchmark interest rate above zero about six months after ending its bond purchase program. Yellen didn’t mention a timetable today. "
This one paragraph proves the American economy floats on top of stimulus... The most interesting thing about governments is that they simply like to implode on themselves. Why is this? Money, power, egotism, materialism etc etc... Beats me. However, it looks like our generation will have to be a heavy part of changing the way the world works again. It is not as simple as just saying we want better representation. Governments rarely represent anyone in particular. The real detail is how we change the way we live our lives; we must live in a way that needs less government. We must simply compete with the government.
I actually like pretty much any kind of music. Rap and hip hop is a perfect way to keep me motivated. Most people only notice the songs they play on the Radio which is usually about sex and drugs. However, even on the radio those songs usually have a directly positive message.
This little piece I thought had some quick tips to think more and act more like a businessman, or woman. I will just list the tips but you will have to click on the link to see a better description. 1. Be a hustler 2. Create your own opportunities 3. Ignore trends 4. Know that your business is your brand 5. Know where the money is going. 6. Seek out mentors. 7. Diversify your portfolio 8. Go big or go home. "Repubblica Veneta"
Venice votes to split from Italy with a solid number of 89%. This is a great testament to how it is possible for states or even cities to take back their independence. Self determination is part of the human experience. This city have just taken back their natural independence.
"The floating city has only been part of Italy for 150 years. The 1000 year–old democratic Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia, was quashed by Napoleon and was subsumed into Italy in 1866." Springfieldians might someday see the value of not giving their tax dollars to the middle men. Which these middle men are the County, State and Federal governments. Cities like St Louis and Kansas already ought to be independent. Why would it be a good thing for cities to join the Union? Two more senators means more representation in the Senate which is badly needed. The centralization of 100 men is a terrifying thing. Eventually humans will be able to have millions of independent states all in mutual friendship. Our standards of living are just becoming absolutely incredible. Even the lowest of the low can usually make it. Meaning that there are millions of people whom live with far less than our most vulnerable here in the United States. "Never Again"
Why be so aggressive. Why describe the socialism so negatively... Why never compromise.. Why do we never give an inch and take miles...
Ludwig Von Mises one of our most valuable teachers of humanity regretted one thing. He compromised too much. He gave too much credit to the feelings and thoughts of the socialists. Ultimately it would be the region of the world Mises grew up in, Austria, that commits the holocaust. We don't compromise in testament to him. Never Again Time to get serious: lol maybe not... I am not that serious lol
If you accept the social contract theory then you have accepted a false premise of artificial signers. This idea that on birth you have signed the Constitution is horrid and causes the roots of nationalism. If you believe it's a contract, then contracts can be changed from a piece of work that expressly defends people from aggression; too a piece of work representing a corporation. The Federal government is planning on not renewing the contract for the internet domain names by ICANN. First, I would have loved to be the company that had that contract. Second, why is the government, our social contract, contracting this out or doing this anyway. Yes, I am implying our social contract theory is no longer defending persons from aggression and fraud. Instead they are doing cronyism and corporatism. If our social contract is now acting as a corporation and everyone is still paying taxes. What is the new definition of a citizen? We couldn't be a called a free citizen. Sometimes 30% of your week is taxation, created by generations "voting" before you; sometimes a hundred years before you were born. Then it would in fact seem we citizens work for corporations that fight with how much money they can give to politicians who are endowed with defending our "social contract." The Judge Was Right
The Judge Was Right
Here is the interview Thomas Woods is referring too. Lew Rockwell's Facebook Post Lew Rockwell posted this on his Facebook page after the first Andrew Napolitano interview. The videos above refer to the second Daily Show interview as of recent. February 25 “Jon Stewart is very, very afraid of of us, apparently. Several emailers have written to inform me that Stewart did a small hit/smear job on Judge Andrew Napolitano on The Daily Show last night. The 'hit' was about how the Judge wrote in one of his publications that the U.S. probably could have ended slavery the same way that New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and all the other Northern states did, as well as the British empire, Spanish empire, the French, Danes, Dutch, Swedes, and others during the nineteenth century, namely, peacefully. (See Jim Powell, Greatest Emancipations: How the West Ended Slavery; and Joanne Pope Melish, Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and Race in New England, 1780-1860). No, no, said Stewart and pals, 750,000 dead Americans , more than double that number maimed for life, and the total destruction of the voluntary union of the founders was the only way to go. Southerners, six percent of whom owned slaves, 'were willing to die to preserve slavery' announced the renowned historian Jon Stewart. The Great Oz (er, I mean, The Great Abe) did what was necessary said the great historical sage and his cast of clowns,” says Thomas DiLorenzo. My point with the Lew Rockwell quote is essentially to help put some historical context to the video. Also pointing out some of the things we also lost along the way. The nature of the Union was never the same again after the Civil War.
Everything is Bigger in Texas
Everything is bigger in Texas I was browsing through Twitter today and saw the weak hiring numbers that the United States has put out for the last two months. In 2013, the month of December we hired +84,000 and, in 2014, January the US hired +129,000. The third month had a "moderate" gain hiring 175,000; the third month being February. This number will be revised down at a later date as always and this falls below the average job hiring rates in 2013 of +194,000 a month on average
The economy looks rough at the start of the year but it seems to be coming back a little right? Looking further through Twitter I found this article It would seem without Texas the U.S. would be posting lower numbers. Not only that according to this chart without Texas the lower-middle class of most of the country lost job growth. It also stayed stagnant in the upper-middle class or the American Dream. If the middle class is a sign of a healthy economy, and it is, then maybe we should be moving to Texas. One final thought, the article speaks on how the job growth was almost equal across the board in Texas. The more free the economy is from regulation and taxation; the more equitable the wages. Literally the opposite of what every liberal will tell ya... Stay out of Ukraine
Stay out of Ukraine Maybe I should write more for my first blog post but what else should be said? The founders gave us a vision to stay out of entangling alliances. It was entangling alliances that started WWI; a high ranking official was killed and WWI takes countless lives. God help us to stay out of Ukraine.
Author: Benjamin T Brixey
January 2018
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