State Rights, Federalism, and Constitutionalism!
State Rights- The individual States of the United States are supreme to the Federal government.
- The 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights clearly describes the sovereignty of 50 State Governments.
- We are a nation that is currently in a compact, which means that States have voluntarily submitted to the Federal Government.
- The 50 States can leave voluntarily, and retain their sovereign powers.
- Returning to this will force the Federal government to keep its reputation in mind, and intact.
- The General government should maintain a strong National Defense,
- Large enough to maintain peace through strength.
- Through Treaties, and international trade deals.
- The Law is clear, and concise on a piece of paper.
- The Law can not be as easily twisted by lawyers, and judges.
- This allows the common person to read, and interpret the Constitution for themselves.
- The opposite of the British Constitution, which is called a living Constitution.
- This is our America tradition, and it has been mimicked all over the globe.
A Foreign Policy for Peace: for Marque and Reprisal!
The War on Terror- is real, and we must address this war differently.
- We must first acknowledge that our contemporary military strategy has been a failure.
- We must admit contemporary warfare has changed, therefore we need to change our tactics.
- It has changed due to fact Nation-States are not the enemy, but gorilla units.
- The United States should not use torture during war, due to the mercy of American values.
- It is a Constitutional remedy, and has been used historically against privateers, who were attacking trade.
- It specifically is a bounty on the head of leaders running terrorist organizations.
- The bounty will give an incentive for other regional governments to fight the War on Terror.
- This will replace frivolous foreign aid, or in other words "bribery."
- It will keep our troops out of harms way, and it is a significantly cheaper.
We Must Defend the Entire Bill of Rights!
The 1st Amendment- The freedom of speech is one of our most precious freedoms. This amendment also guarantees the freedom to peacefully assemble, and the ability to petition the government freely.
The 5th Amendment- These words give us the vital right to due process, disallows double jeopardy, guarantees us grand juries outside of the military, and we can choose not to be a witness against ourselves.
The 6th Amendment- The right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime was committed.
The 7th Amendment- In lawsuits pertaining to common law, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States.
The 9th Amendment- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- The Chilling Effect also must be resisted. Ending the domestic spying of NSA is the first step.
- The Chilling Effect is any government program, statement, or propaganda campaign that alters society's conscious.
- Often by silencing the persons that are in opposed to the government function. Ex: Tea Party, and the IRS.
- Violent criminals should be deprived the right to buy a gun.
- There should never be a list created of conceal carry person, or gun owners.
- If you pass a background check, then you ought to be able to buy a gun.
- The right to privacy absolutely extends to the internet, and contemporary technology.
- Eminent Domain should be reversed at every level of government, and in every form.
- We need to end the War on Drugs, due to excessive abuses of the 4th Amendment.
The 5th Amendment- These words give us the vital right to due process, disallows double jeopardy, guarantees us grand juries outside of the military, and we can choose not to be a witness against ourselves.
- Due process more thoroughly defined; solidifies that a person's property, life, or freedom can not be taken away, without probable cause and representation in court.
- This amendment is part of the British tradition. Stemming from the Glorious Revolution in 1688, and the English Bill of Rights crafted in 1689.
The 6th Amendment- The right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime was committed.
- We are guaranteed the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.
- We are guaranteed the right to have witnesses in our favor.
- We are provided a lawyer in contemporary times.
The 7th Amendment- In lawsuits pertaining to common law, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States.
- This right empowers the jury, our peers, to be our ultimate judge.
- It is important to keep our morality when we punish people with the law.
- The United States should not use torture during war, due to the mercy of American values.
The 9th Amendment- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- This amendment is describing how the Constitution is confined by the written language, our U.S. tradition.
- The General government has specific powers, and functions.
- The remaining freedoms are left to the people, in order to create institutions as they wish.
- This is our cornerstone of Republicanism, Federalism, and Constitutionalism.
- This gives the States the ultimate authority, and all powers not in the Constitution are left to the States.
- The United States should return to a peaceful union of 50 diverse States all supporting each other through defense, trade, travel, and friendship.
- E pluribus unum- "Out of many, one"
Ending the IRS and Adopt the FairTax!
The Fair Tax: