Alex Merced for Vice Chair!
Today, while sitting at the second annual Greene County Convention for my local Libertarian chapter. I have decided to weigh in on the Vice Chair race that is taking place within our National Party. I would like to formally endorse Alex Merced as our new Vice Chair. My reasoning behind this endorsement has come from observing Alex from afar for several years now. He comes from a great group of Libertarians in New York who will help steer our National Committee to success. My first memory of meeting Alex was at the 2016 Libertarian National Convention in Orlando Florida, and he was immediately enthusiastic about helping me achieve success. He showed me two apps that would help me create videos, and graphics for my campaign.
Not only does he have the energy that we need in the Vice Chair position, but he comes from a group of no nonsense Libertarians. He gets to work around the great Larry Sharpe, and we need more of Larry’s students to help grow our Party. He is not afraid of a camera, a true Libertarian indeed, and does great with the media. Please consider Alex Merced to be our future Vice Chair for the National Committee.
If you happened to be working, or busy during the previous debate. You can watch the replay through this link. It was a fantastic experience. For Liberty, Benjamin T Brixey Click the Link Below to and Click Watch Replay:all video credit goes to Missouri State University.
#WhereisBilly? Oct 1st local party review, and will Billy Long show up for his debate, Oct 26th.
At this months Libertarian meeting we reviewed some of our goals in the future. I also invited our opposition, Billy Long, to a debate.
News Conference August 6th 2016
Not too shabby for writing it a few hours prior, and having to deal with my car sliding off the road.
A Little History: Bring the Troops Home
It's now Americas problem! Source: The Solution is to Leave the Middle East
Why is the British problem now our Problem? After World War II the Empirical systems of the world were ended. However, the role of policing the world, monitoring the world, diplomatic intervention around the world and military intervention around the world did not end. Empires did not end and the empire was simply passed down to us. We still claim all these international powers as our rightful place in the world. I say no! This is not our American tradition and it is not our place to be the policeman of the world. The British Mandate system is not hard to understand and it is a valuable gem lost in history. All Americans should know where their history comes from and much of it has been passed down from Britain. They should know about this process because their honor, blood and treasure is paying for its continuation. We sometimes overtly intervene in the Middle East and this is seen in our botched invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. However, we haven't heard how much of our honor, blood and treasure has been lost through covert military action. . What would our founding fathers think? "The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home." James Madison. "Commerce with all nations, alliances with none, should be our motto." Thomas Jefferson "I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the less we use our power the greater it will be." Thomas Jefferson "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence. wether sought or unsought, by the military-undustrial complex." Dwight D. Eisenhower "The essence of so-called war prosperty; it enriches some by what it takes from others. It is not rising wealth but a shifting of wealth and income." Ludwig von Mises "Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other." James Madison "No nation could perserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." James Madison "Criticism in a time of war is essential to the maintenance of any kind of democratic government." Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio "When goods don't cross borders, soldiers will." Fredric Bastiat "The Constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress; therefore no offensive expedition of imprortance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure." George Washington Source: All quotes have been taken from Ron Paul's A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce and Honest Friendship.
Send Me to Washington
Send Ben Brixey to Washington Dear Americans,
My name is Benjamin T. Brixey, and my first three goals as a United States Representative are as follows: First, we need to bring all our troops home from abroad and take care of our veterans physically, and mentally. The wars of the 20th century have caused nothing, but trouble in the 21st century. In fact, this nation has been at war for my entire lifetime. If you hold similar views do not let people assume you care nothing for people abroad, or soldiers and the goals of stability around the world! If someone calls you an isolationist because you believe in peace, a fundamental aspect of prosperity, just laugh. You are not alone and I am your representative. My emphasis in history has been World War I. No, person will be able to stand on the debate stage with me and commit the act of warmongering. Second, we need to completely dismantle the War on Drugs at home and the police state along with it. This war at home has absolutely devastated the relationship between police and their citizens. It is my goal to repair the reputation of the police officer. The War on Drugs has also increased the price of drugs tremendously. My minor in economics comes in hand in this situation as it is clear prohibition is hurting the poorest families of society the most. Not only are the poor disproportionately thrown in jail compared to the rich; blacks are dealing with the brute force that this immoral war has to offer. I am ashamed that we have the highest incarceration rate in world and I will motion to release non-violent drug offenders. In fact, my first bill ever presented on behalf of you will be a bill that eliminates the War on Drugs and strengthens the Bill of Rights. If we must restate the Bill of Rights a million different ways, so be it! Instead of throwing people behind bars we ought to repeal laws that our beloved officers have no business enforcing. Third, I want to decentralize the political process through State Rights. I am tired of Washington DC being the home of our rulers. For example, the solution allows States to have their sovereignty back, which will allow all 50 States to participate in any health care system they want. Congress has no idea what you need for your health and this would be better left to the States in the United States of America. Thank you, for taking time out of your day to visit my webpage promoting freedom across America. Sincerely, Benjamin T Brixey, Secretary of the Greene County Libertarian Party Candidate for the United States House of Representatives The American Spirit
The American spirit is to give charity even in the deepest recessions, show compassion for the less fortunate and the spirit even drives us to give to our enemies. Our local charities were quick to respond to Joplin,the red cross is global; lets not forget rebuilding Europe after WWII which was not cheap, giving food over the Berlin wall etc etc.
The American spirit is to feed the children who rushed across our border. Are these children American citizens? NO. However, they are still humans, little humans at that, and we must help them. I don't like Glen Beck very much but he has come around on a few things. Listening to his show this past week he has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed the illegal children down by the border; even if he thinks they should be shipped back. Ted Nugent has a dinner program which provides millions of plates a year for people. Making the Libertarian Case My mission in this debate was to try to lay out the libertarian case for privatizing things and lowering taxes. We need to decentralize the money and I tried to explain in a variety of ways the problems with not. We are still suffering from the centralized planning of the last decisions made by our county government. The Jamestown development project is a clear case on why the presiding commissioners should not be trying to economically plan our area. The people decide this with their economic transactions. The commissioners should simply be trying to devise better ways to protect your property. During the debate we often took on the issue of taxes and I was the only candidate expressly for lowering taxes. The rest are for keeping taxes the same or raising them if need be. I repeated twice at one point, "Good leaders protect their constituents from new taxes." I also was the only candidate who was expressly for cutting the budget and I stated a few times the commissioners should make the Household Median Income of the County... around $41,000 dollars instead of the 70,000 the commissioners get now. The Springfield News-Leader wrote me up quite nicely. They were fair and simply repeated my case. I appreciate their honesty and sticking it out for such a long process. It is a great read.
Free market economists. You have hardly anything to sweat in this section of history. The only blips in the improvement of life have been in the free market. Technology is leaving generations of people behind.
It is not required for us to defend the dollar because it did not derive from the market. It is not required for us to defend the Education system because it derived from the ancient Prussian model, mostlyGermany. In fact, I am mad at the socialists because the traffic in Springfield is getting crazy. We are also shooting ourselves in the foot by defending socialism from other socialists. When they say but you just want the economics of the 1920s back; or the 1950-60s back, or the 1990s. Deregulation and GREED! Just laugh. Classical free markets was dead in practical application when the Union no longer was considered a compact, after the the Civil War. Free market economics has grown far past Alex Smith and the Wealth of Nations. We have to start letting the people who have been advocating for more government understand that they are arguing against their own failed policy. I mean like Libertarianism hasn't been winning for last 200 years lol What is the sociological/economic/psychological consequences on Blue Collar wages created by the modern education system and their drive for college graduates?
Almost every student is persuaded repeatedly that college is the key to success and will earn them a million more dollars in their lifetime. Yes, a million is what the poster said in my classroom. This is an idea filtering throughout society, but specifically through the government education system. If all the students are convinced including the majority who will not finish college continually that they will amount to nothing. Then the psychological attitude of this social class is artificially lower because of government propaganda. They literally see themselves as less because they never finished college. Meaning they have less confidence to demand higher wages in the economy. If the majority of the workforce has this instilled in their minds by their government. We can start to see why wages are so one-sided. The elite continue to gain in this world while the lowers classes who need the most empowerment are undermined with their own tax dollars. If you are not proud of your work... then why would you see yourself as an asset to society let alone attempt to ask for more money. If we had a free market education system the love for work would flow freely from the minds of humans. The attitude that you MEAN something to the world would grow resulting higher wages. Holding Office is a Public Service
What does it mean to be a public servant? My philosophy is a bottom up view of government; House->City->County->State->Federal. According to the description in a wonderful lecture on by Brion McClanahan in the Presentation "Virginia and the Cavaliers" and this philosophy entails an inside-out approach to politics. Your local government is supreme and you consent to any higher level government through self-government.
The next step is relieving the responsibility from government. By slowly drawing down the size and scope of government; as the private world absorbs this downsizing the real economy will thrive again. Working for the government is a public service and should be a voluntary act. One of my first goals as Presiding commissioner is to cut my own salary if at all possible. Even if I can't cut it officially by the budget; I want to cut it figuratively. By continuing to live at modest means. I can start putting back the extra salary directly into the County operations. Maybe even hire a part time intern out of my paycheck; it would be good experience for them. Is Washington Serious?
Is Washington Serious? I was surfing the web and came across an interesting article on in which Scott Shackford helps put the "spending cuts" in perspective. The rest of the piece is just a relay for other some news releases on the subject of Paul Ryan's budget. The radio talk shows must have exploded when this proposal was officially announced. I can imagine the Conservatives rallying heavily behind these 5.1 Trillion dollar cuts, proposed by Paul Ryan. Of course, with any talk about cuts the Liberal media must have had a heart attack. Surely a few talking heads made claims that anyone who wants less government is heartless. However, in Scott's article he quotes the White House: "Budgets are about choices and values. House Republicans have chosen to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest rather than create opportunities for middle class families to get ahead. The President believes that is the wrong approach and that we should instead be making smart investments necessary to create jobs, grow our economy, and expand opportunity, while still cutting the deficit in a balanced way and securing our nation’s future." What makes this information so ironic is the fact that these spending cuts are on future projected growths in spending. Meaning they are not even real cuts. I actually commend Paul Ryan for taking this big step and putting a plan forward. How deafening is it that we only hear of a few names on the main stream media from time to time. What about all the other representatives? The Cato Institute was nice enough to make us a graph Yes, that blue line is after the cuts. The line keeps going up! The White house also has something right. We can see where these Republicans want to cut. The message is clear, and it is the same old message, that the old will continue to receive benefits they already spent gaining a 17 trillion dollar debt. While the younger generations get less access to education to expand productivity.
by Benjamin T Brixey The New Fed Chairman
"Stocks rose as Yellen underscored the Fed’s commitment to spur the economy and put 10.5 million unemployed Americans back to work. Share prices fell on March 19, when she said in a press conference that the Fed might start raising the benchmark interest rate above zero about six months after ending its bond purchase program. Yellen didn’t mention a timetable today. "
This one paragraph proves the American economy floats on top of stimulus... The most interesting thing about governments is that they simply like to implode on themselves. Why is this? Money, power, egotism, materialism etc etc... Beats me. However, it looks like our generation will have to be a heavy part of changing the way the world works again. It is not as simple as just saying we want better representation. Governments rarely represent anyone in particular. The real detail is how we change the way we live our lives; we must live in a way that needs less government. We must simply compete with the government. I actually like pretty much any kind of music. Rap and hip hop is a perfect way to keep me motivated. Most people only notice the songs they play on the Radio which is usually about sex and drugs. However, even on the radio those songs usually have a directly positive message.
This little piece I thought had some quick tips to think more and act more like a businessman, or woman. I will just list the tips but you will have to click on the link to see a better description. 1. Be a hustler 2. Create your own opportunities 3. Ignore trends 4. Know that your business is your brand 5. Know where the money is going. 6. Seek out mentors. 7. Diversify your portfolio 8. Go big or go home. "Repubblica Veneta"
Venice votes to split from Italy with a solid number of 89%. This is a great testament to how it is possible for states or even cities to take back their independence. Self determination is part of the human experience. This city have just taken back their natural independence.
"The floating city has only been part of Italy for 150 years. The 1000 year–old democratic Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia, was quashed by Napoleon and was subsumed into Italy in 1866." Springfieldians might someday see the value of not giving their tax dollars to the middle men. Which these middle men are the County, State and Federal governments. Cities like St Louis and Kansas already ought to be independent. Why would it be a good thing for cities to join the Union? Two more senators means more representation in the Senate which is badly needed. The centralization of 100 men is a terrifying thing. Eventually humans will be able to have millions of independent states all in mutual friendship. Our standards of living are just becoming absolutely incredible. Even the lowest of the low can usually make it. Meaning that there are millions of people whom live with far less than our most vulnerable here in the United States. "Never Again"
Why be so aggressive. Why describe the socialism so negatively... Why never compromise.. Why do we never give an inch and take miles...
Ludwig Von Mises one of our most valuable teachers of humanity regretted one thing. He compromised too much. He gave too much credit to the feelings and thoughts of the socialists. Ultimately it would be the region of the world Mises grew up in, Austria, that commits the holocaust. We don't compromise in testament to him. Never Again |
Author: Benjamin T Brixey
January 2018
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